Black Hawk Waste Disposal (319)232-4150


Holiday Routes

Our office will be closed Thursday, July 4th.

Some of our routes will still be in operation.

****We are asking all residents to set their containers out on their normal pickup day, including Thursday residents.***
We understand Holiday routes can be confusing. To avoid being missed in the route adjustments, please just set your container out on your normal pickup day. We will pick up as timely as possible but some stops will be collected on Thursday, and the rest will be picked up on Friday.

Holiday Routes

We will be closed Monday, May 27, 2024.

We ask all residents to please set your containers out for pickup the night before your normal collection date.
Your route time may change from normal, so please set your trash out the night before.

Rural Residential

We will be splitting the rural routes between Tuesday and Wednesday.
Bremer County Rural residents on Tuesday Route and Wednesday Route will be picked up on Wednesday.
Fayette County Rural residents on Tuesday Route will be picked up on Wednesday.
Fayette County Rural residents on Wednesday Route will be picked up on Thursday.

If you are not collected, please leave your trash accessible for the following day.

In City-Limit Residential

Fairbank, Denver, and Gilbertville residents will have collection on Tuesday.

West Union, Hawkeye, and Fayette residents in-city limits will be picked up on Wednesday.

Hudson Recycling will be picked up on Wednesday.

Route Status

We are aiming to have all Black Hawk County and Bremer County routes caught up by end of day Wednesday.
We are aiming to have all Fayette County routes caught up by end of day Thursday.

Rural Routes Delayed 5/21/24

The residential rural route that collects rural customers north of Waterloo in the Cedar Falls, Denver, Janesville area is currently running behind.

Any residential customers in the listed area that is not picked up on Tuesday, we ask you to please keep your containers accessible for Wednesday pickup. The driver will be resuming pickup first thing in the morning.

We apologize for the delay and will return for pickup in the morning.