Black Hawk Waste Disposal (319)232-4150


Collection for December 22, & December 23

Due to the weather, the landfill being closed, and for the safety of our employees; There are currently significant interruptions in collection for Thursday, December 22 & Friday, December 23.

IN City Limit residential trash collection will still be picked up on Thursday, weather permitting.

Rural residential trash collection for Thursday and Friday, will not be picked up until your next scheduled pickup date. This includes residential curbside and residential dumpsters.

Please bag your extra trash, and set it next to your container. We will pick up extra you have, on your next scheduled pickup date. If you have a spare container, it is advised to put any bagged extra trash inside a spare container, to prevent it from being buried under the snow and missed.

If you do not have a Black Hawk Waste container, and would like one, please let us know. We provide rental for our customers at no additional charge.

High Traffic commercial businesses will be collected as quickly as possible, some commercial businesses will not be dumped until the next collection date.

We apologize for the interruption, and will resume services as weather permits.

For further updates, check back here, or on our facebook.

To have these updates e-mailed to you, subscribe here.

December News

Holiday Schedule

With Christmas and New Years falling on Sunday this year, we wanted to let all of our customers know, we will be picking you up on your regular scheduled days.

Christmas Tree Collection – January 6, 2023

We will be collecting real Christmas Trees January 6, 2023 for the city of Hudson. To ensure collection please abide by the following requirements

  • Remove all decorations, stands, wires, nails, etc, from your tree
  • Cut trees in 5 foot or less lengths
  • Place your tree curbside, not in a container or bag
  • Trees should be curbside by 6 a.m.
  • Fake trees are not accepted for Christmas Tree Collection

Thanksgiving 11/24/22

We will be closed Thursday, 11/24/22 for the holiday.

Commercial routes will be split between Wednesday and Friday.

Residential routes for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday will be collected like normal.
Thursday and Friday will be collected on Friday.

If you are normally picked up on Thursday or Friday, please make sure your trash is accessible at 5 a.m. – Your pickup may not be at your normal time.

Delay on Rural Collection 10/6/22

There are some rural residents on the Thursday rural north-west Cedar Falls route that are delayed pickup by one day.

Our driver will be picking up these stops first thing in the morning Friday, then continuing with the normal Friday collections.

If you are in the following areas, please be aware your trash will be picked up Friday morning.

Beaver Hills area including but not limited to Beaver Ridge, Beaver Meadows, and Beaver Hills
N Union Rd
Skyline Dr
Slap Trail Trail

Rural Collection Delays 9-22 & 9-23

There are some rural residents on the Thursday and Friday collection route that are delayed.

Thursday delays will be picked up first thing in the morning Friday.

Friday delays will be picked up first thing in the morning Saturday

We are asking all residents to please leave your containers accessible until at least Saturday afternoon.

We apologize for the delay and should resume normal pickup next week.

9-20-22 Collection

Rural collection in Denver on the following streets have a slight interruption in pickup and this area will be picked up first thing in the morning on Wednesday.

Timber Rd, 260th St, Joplin, Marquis, 270th, Piedmont, Landview, Larrabee, Ivanhoe, 210th, 230th, Midway, Timmerman, 260th

The following areas in Readlyn and Rural-Waterloo are also affected by this delay

Oakland, Quail, 270th, Schenk, Cedar Wapsi, Donald

We apologize for the delay and will resume in the morning.

Labor Day Holiday – 9/5/22

Monday, 9/5/22 Service date – Set your containers out for collection Monday Night for collection on Tuesday.

Tuesday, 9/6/22 Service date
In city limits will have collection Tuesday.
Rural locations will have collection Wednesday.

Wednesday, 9/7/22 Service Date – Set your containers out for collection Tuesday night.
We will be splitting collection between Wednesday and Thursday. Please do not pull your containers back in until Thursday Night if it is still full.

Thursday, 9/8/22 Service Date – Set your containers out for collection Wednesday night.
We will be splitting collection between Thursday and Friday. Please do not pull your containers back in until Friday Night if it is still full.

Friday, 9/9/22 Service Date – Set your containers out for collection Thursday night.
We will be splitting collection between Friday and Saturday. Please do not pull your containers back in until Friday Night if it is still full.

Collection for Monday 9/12/22 will resume as normal.

August Invoices

Due to a computer glitch, May invoices were mailed instead of August.

To immediately receive a correct August invoice for your account, please contact us and provide your customer number or service address, and an e-mail address to send your August invoice to.

We will be sending out August invoices via Mail as well.

We apologize for any confusion and inconveniences this may cause.

Invoices can be requested by the following methods


•requested via phone at 319-232-4150

•message us on facebook

•message us on the website