Black Hawk Waste Disposal (319)232-4150


Still without phones

We are still without phones and are working on getting proper service restored as quickly as possible.

In the meantime if you need to contact us, please reach out to us via facebook, our contact us section on our website, or e-mail us at

Thank you

Phones Down

We are experiencing technical difficulties with our phone service as of approximately 2:00 pm Wednesday July 13, 2022.

We are hoping to restore service to them again by noon on Thursday. We apologize for any issues this may cause.

Please message us on facebook, via our website, or via e-mail at

Thank you,

July 4th Holiday

We will be closed July 4th for the holiday.

Some of our routes will be one day behind, and some will not.

Please set your containers out for normal collection by 5AM on your normal scheduled pickup day. Allow up to 24 hours for us to pick these containers up. Some of our routes will be one day behind.

In city limit residents

Trash and Recycling routes in Fairbank, Gilbertville and Denver will be picked up on Tuesday, July 5th.

In-city limit routes for Wednesday-Friday will be picked up on the normal scheduled day.

Industrial and Commercial

Industrial and Commercial will be collected as quickly as possible between Tuesday and Wednesday. Please make sure your containers are accessible and not blocked.

Memorial Day 5/30/22

We will be closed May 30, 2022 for Memorial Day. We are asking all residents to please set your containers out for collection on your normal collection day by 5 A.M.


ALL Monday routes will be collected on Tuesday May 31, 2022. Please set your containers out Monday night to avoid being missed.


We are asking all Tuesday residents to please set your container out Monday night.

We will be merging Monday and Tuesday routes to get both Tuesday and Monday picked up on Tuesday.

Tuesday residents in rural areas of Fayette County, Bremer County are asked to please set your container out Monday night, but if you are not collected on Tuesday, we will return on Wednesday to pick up.


We will prioritize Monday pickups on Tuesday and follow up with Tuesday collections after Monday routes are complete. If you have containers inside, please make sure to have them accessible for collection on your normal collection date.

Landfill closing at 10am

Due to high winds the landfill is closing at 10 a.m.

We ask all industrial and commercial business to please keep your trash containers accessible, and we will pick up everything that we are able to pick up as quickly as possible today and tomorrow.

Residential customers – Due to the high winds, to avoid trash blowing all over, we will be picking up extra next week if you are not picked up prior to the landfill closing.

We apologize for the delay in service and will pick up as quickly as we are able.

2022 Spring Cleanup Schedule

Hudson Cleanup

Recycle Center

Dale Dr

Hudson, IA

Saturday, May 14, 2022

8:00 a.m. – noon

Standard Household Refuse & Furniture Accepted – No extra charge
Appliances AcceptedExtra charge
Scrap Metal Accepted – No extra charge
Yard waste Accepted – No extra charge
Tires AcceptedExtra charge

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Oelwein Cleanup

Discounted Bulk item stickers

Oelwein, IA

May through June

Purchase stickers from City Hall

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Gilbertville Cleanup


Gilbertville, IA

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Standard Household Refuse & Furniture Accepted – No extra charge
Appliances AcceptedExtra charge

Contact City Hall to pay prior to pickup

Scrap Metal Accepted – No extra charge
Yard waste Not Accepted

Yard waste should be disposed of at the yard waste site at 6112 Gilbertville Rd

Tires AcceptedExtra charge

Contact City Hall to pay prior to pickup

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Denver Cleanup

End of W Main St. and Transit St.

Denver, IA

Saturday, April 23, 2022

8:00 a.m. – noon

Standard Household Refuse & Furniture Accepted – No extra charge
Appliances AcceptedExtra charge
Scrap Metal AcceptedExtra charge
Yard waste Not Accepted
Tires AcceptedExtra charge

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Laporte City Cleanup


Laporte, IA

Friday, May 13, 2022

Standard Household Refuse & Furniture Accepted – No extra charge
Appliances AcceptedExtra charge

Contact City Hall to pay prior to pickup

Scrap Metal Accepted – No extra charge
Yard waste Not Accepted
Tires AcceptedExtra charge

Contact City Hall to pay prior to pickup

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Fairbank Cleanup


Fairbank, IA

Monday, May 9, 2022

Standard Household Refuse & Furniture Accepted – No extra charge
Appliances AcceptedExtra charge
Scrap Metal Accepted – No extra charge
Yard waste Not Accepted
Tires AcceptedExtra charge

Contact City Hall to pay prior to pickup

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Landfill closed early

The Black Hawk County Landfill closed early due to high winds on 3/25/22.

We ask all industrial and commercial businesses to please keep your trash containers accessible, and we will pick up everything that we are able to as quickly as possible, today and tomorrow.

Residential customers – Due to the high winds, to avoid trash blowing all over, we will be picking up extra next week if you were not picked up this morning prior to the high winds.

We apologize for the delay in service and will pick up as quickly as we are able.

Increase of rates

Due to rising costs, such as fuel and supplies, we’ve had to raise the rates of our recurring accounts.

We know no one likes to hear their bill is increasing but we hope you’ll understand that this increase will help us to continue to provide quality and reliable services to you while still keeping rates affordable.

A new process was used to facilitate this increase and as such there may be some discrepancies. If you have any questions on your bill please give us a call and we can review it with you.

This increase goes into effect March 1, 2022.

Freezing Temperatures

Due to the forecasted temperatures expected in the morning on Wednesday, January 26, 2022, We will be getting a late start to allow for the temperature to raise to safe operating temperatures. This may cause some collection delays.

We ask you to please be patient while this cold snap hits. We will resume normal route collections once conditions are safe.

If your trash or recycling is not picked up Wednesday, please leave it accessible for Thursday collection.